Everything You Need to Know about Eco-Friendly Travel

Photo by Austin Ban on Unsplash
Travelling according to an environmentally-conscious blueprint isn’t always as easy as we’d like. Even in a world that is becoming increasingly attuned to global issues such as climate change and water pollution, it can be difficult, at times, to avoid falling back on the convenience of power-leaching resources.
Weigh up your travel options:
Consider whether you could reach your destination by car, bus, or train, as these options, at least for relatively short distances and especially when full, produce fewer emissions than air travel. If you do need to fly, conduct some research on different companies to make the most informed decision about which airline is the best option, keeping in mind that newer planes are typically greener than their older counterparts, and that non-stop routes are better for the environment than lay-overs. Also keep an eye out for fuel-efficient planes flying along typically busy routes, as the fuller the plane, the less the impact on the environment. Budget airlines, although perhaps not quite as comfortable or luxurious as their fancier counterparts, are often a good option here, as many are relatively young companies with newer fleets that tend fill up quickly due to lower prices. Finally, downsizing your luggage will help to reduce the overall weight on board the aircraft, which, in turn, reduces the total fuel consumption for the flight. Not sure how to downsize? See my next point.
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
Learn how to pack light with the Scrubba wash bag:
The easiest way to shed kilos off your pack is to minimise the amount of clothes you take along. If you’re thinking this sounds counter-intuitive because fewer clothes generally equal greater consumption of energy and water due to the increased need to wash, this is where the Scrubba wash bag comes in. Light, portable, power-free, and requiring only minimal water, the Scrubba bag is the easiest way to wash your clothes on the go without scarring the environment. So pack your Scrubba wash bag, lighten your load, and ensure that less of the footprints you leave behind are of the carbon variety.
Remain conscious of your surroundings:
Stay on marked paths and leave native flora and fauna as untouched as possible. Dispose of all your litter appropriately, which includes recycling when you get the chance, and be mindful to switch off all lights and turn off all taps at your accommodation when you’re not using them. If possible, opt to walk rather than drive around your chosen travel destination, as this is great for not only your own health, but also the environment’s! If you can’t walk, consider whether public transport is a viable option.
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
Avoid plastic bottles if possible:
Obviously this isn’t always an option, but we should try to stay mindful of the fact that plastic bottles create a huge amount of waste. To circumvent this problem, try investing in a reusable filtration bottle. Although much pricier than a standard drink bottle, this purchase will undoubtedly save you money in the long run, and will certainly come in handy if you ever lack convenient access to supermarkets during your travels.
Eat and shop green:
Sampling local or organic produce is one of the best, greenest ways to support local industry whilst engaging with the culture and atmosphere of your chosen travel destination. Purchasing local produce is especially achievable when it comes to beers, wines, spices, and seafood, and is a great way to throw yourself out of your comfort zone and to broaden your culinary palette. When grocery shopping, be sure to take a reusable cloth bag to cut back on plastic. This move may even save you money in some locations, as a number of cities now charge a small fee for plastic bags as compensation for their negative impact on the environment. Finally, remain aware when shopping for local souvenirs, as some items may be composed of unethically sourced products obtained, for example, through illegal animal trades and black markets.
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash
With these five basic steps, it’s simpler than ever to travel green without compromising your bucket list. So shed your baggage, expand your horizons, taste new food, see unique sites, experience new forms of transport, and travel in harmony with the lush, beautiful nature that surrounds you. It’s just some of the ways we here at the Scrubba ensure we’re always travelling clean, light and free.
Go ahead and save the below infographic to help keep our tips in mind for your future travels!
Browse our range for more eco-conscious products.
Learn how less means more with the story of the Scrubba weightless wallet.
Check out our Top Eco-Friendly Gadgets for a Greener Getaway.